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日 期:2015-02-25 09:21:04 来 源:易安居星座网
GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)
Mistakes have been made in work and some people will be trying to blame you for things you did not do. A new flirtation makes life a more colourful place to be. Ring to hear how this is such a fantastic month for making up.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)
You’re more willing to make commitments which, this time last year, you would have run a mile from. Trust was an issue, but won’t be when you’ve heard what someone is willing to offer. Call now to hear if it’s worth mixing business and pleasure.
PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)
Secrets which come to light may well leave you both shocked and stunned. The good news is that you will feel pleased when you have had time to let this life changing news fully sink in. Ring now to hear who has news of births or pregnancies.
SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)
There are so many questions you want to ask about your future, but you seem to be intent on spending your time on other’s lives and dramas instead. Geminis are the key to easing family tensions. Ring right now to better understand those recent mixed messages.
CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)
Is it lust or love that many of your sign are feeling? I don’t think you know yourself yet, so how can your close ones? Don’t take advice, but use today for reflection and thought. Ring now to hear how Scorpios bring luck to financial complications.
LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)
Don’t let colleagues talk you into ideas which are not in your best interests. You had a game plan and it was a successful one. Time spent on new business projects pays dividends. Ring to hear why you’ll need to ensure your passport is up to date.
AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)
Not only are you going to be announcing a few surprises on both a professional and personal level, but close ones will be unveiling a few announcements which finally see you working as a team. Ring me right now for more on this noteworthy time.
CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)
Don’t allow yourself to be intimidated by those who think they know what’s best for you. From today, you’ll see they only have their own interests at heart. Take charge. Ring now to hear why it pays to show manners in business.
VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)
Dreams without goals remain dreams and fuel disappointment. Life goals, and in fact daily goals start you on the path to true happiness. Consistency is your key, so find it and grasp it. Ring now to hear how Saturn hands you discipline.
TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)
Try not to dwell on the past, but instead focus on the future. There is everything to be gained by showing patience with a family member tonight. In fact, they’re about to pleasantly surprise you. Ring now to hear more.
ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)
Family are going to be at the forefront of your mind. You’re no longer afraid to ask questions about what other’s intentions are, but you lay down your plans and speak with authority. Ring now to hear why Geminis need extra special handling.
向着你梦想的目标 加油!前进!未来一年生活会更好。新团体、新朋友会让你的生活更加充满情趣。工作之余不妨走出去旅游,陶冶一下,放松一下。。。

    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼
    水瓶 摩羯 射手 天蝎 天秤 处女 狮子 巨蟹 双子 金牛 白羊 双鱼